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Sunday, October 3, 2010

10 Halloween Costume Ideas for Couples

1. Caught in Lover’s Lane: Man can wear a button-down shirt buttoned all wrong, lipstick kisses on his face and shirt, pants slightly unzipped, shoes untied or on wrong feet and hair messed up. Woman can wear skirt tucked into back of pantyhose, missing one shoe, make up smeared, hair messed up, and bra on the outside of shirt.
2. Widowed Wife and Deceased Husband: Woman dresses
in all black with a black veil and carries tissues. Man dresses in a nice suit but paints face to look dead.
 3. Celebrity and Paparazzi: One of the two dresses up real nice, wears sunglasses and acts real stuck-up and popular. The other wears regular clothes but has 2 or 3 cameras around neck and is following the celebrity. Paparazzi often hide around corners or behind things and sneaks photos or shouts things like “turn to the right! And “just one photo please!”
4. Titanic Survivors: Wear fancy clothes from the early 1900’s. Place gel in the hair for that wet look, drape some seaweed in hair and wear life preservers around waist that says “Titanic.”
5. Bonnie and Clyde: Dress in clothes of the 1920’s (Clyde should have a pin-striped suit) carry fake machine guns and for some originality go as Bonnie and Clyde after they were shot; add lots of bullet holes and fake blood to your clothes. 6. Vampire and Slayer: One dresses up as a vampire and the other dresses up in normal clothes but carries crosses, holy water and a wooden stake.
7. Fairy Tale Characters: Pick your favorite fairy tale characters like Red Riding Hood and the Wolf or Beauty and the Beast.
8. Sailor and Mermaid: Man dresses as a sailor and woman dresses like a mermaid.
9. Grant Woods Painting: Dress as the dour farmer couple in the famous painting (he holds a pitchfork and wears a black coat; she wears a black dress with white lace collar)
10. Farmer and Animal: One dresses as a farmer and the other dresses as a barnyard animal.

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