October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and here at Project0811 we care. The first thing I want to tell you is that, yes it is very important to give yourself a self breast exam. It is good to give yourself an exam once a month about 10 days after your period leaves. Learn how to give yourself and exam here http://www.ehow.com/how_4539924_give-yourself-breast-exam.html it is important to be aware. If you know someone, or you are someone who is a breast cancer survivor, we would love to hear your story. We know a breast cancer survivor and although the struggle was hard and the roads were tough she got through it. She had very small breast and she was under the illusion that because her breast were so small the she could not get breast cancer. One day as she waking up she decides she should do a self breast exam. She felt a lump and went to the doctor, where they ran test and it was definite that she had breast cancer. She was very sad and she didn't expect those results. But as the brave person she faced her new challenge and kept moving forward. I can not imagine the actual pain she went through but I can read the pain in her face. Imagine if she would have kept going through life not knowing she had a lump. It was caught early enough to be taken care of. yes it is imperative that you regularly check your breast for bumps or abnormalities. It is scary to think about what if I have cancer? But wouldn't it be better to give yourself a check and be able to catch it early enough where they can maybe operate and get rid of it? This week is Project0811's give back week. And any purchase that is made this week, 20% it will go to Breast Cancer. So ladies, love your breast and think pink this month.
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